It is written after reading Efficient R programming book website.(
1. Prerequisites
#install 3 packages and attach by using install.packages() and library()
2. profiling
profvis( expr = { any code })
# this code can show you how long each code takes and how much each code takes by percent
3. system and Ram
#see your OS and its version etc.
# Note: uses 2+ GB RAM and several seconds or more depending on hardware
# 1: Create large dataset
X =, nrow = 1e7))
# 2: Find the median of each column using a single core
r1 = lapply(X, median)
# 3: Find the median of each column using many cores
r2 = parallel::mclapply(X, median)
#mclapply only work in parallel on Mac or Linux. we must use parLapply() on Windows.
4. packages
#if R return FALSE, your Rversion is uptodate.
pkgs = c('raster', 'leaflet', 'rgeos')
inst = lapply(pkgs, library, characher.only = TRUE)
#to shorten code, install packages in only two line of code and use lapply
#to make library(pkgs[i]).
#we use library instead of require because the former returns error when pkg is not installed.
#default of ask parameter is TRUE, change it to FASLE if you want.
#if you want this code run automatically when starting R
#you can add update.packages(ask = FALSE) in .Rprofile startup file
5. .Rprofile
# A fun welcome message
message("Hi your name, Welcome")
#print fortune message when R starts
try(fortunes::fortune(), silent = TRUE)
# `local` creates a new, empty environment
# This avoids polluting .GlobalEnv with the object r
r = getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] = ""
options(repos = r)
#nice par for nice plotting
nice_par = function(mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.4, 0), tck = -0.01,
cex.axis = 0.9, las = 1, mfrow = c(1, 1), ...) {
par(mar = mar, mgp = mgp, tck = tck, cex.axis = cex.axis, las = las,
mfrow = mfrow, ...)
#.env makes hidden environment
.env = new.env()
#head and tail function
.env$ht = function(d, n = 5) rbind(head(d, n), tail(d, n))
#.Last will work when R session ended.
.Last = function() {
cond = suppressWarnings(!require(fortunes, quietly = TRUE))
try(install.packages("fortunes"), silent = TRUE)
message("Goodbye at ", date(), "\n")